Ricky Bobby baby jesus Biography
The movie "Talladega Nights" is a lampoon poking fun at Southern idiocracy surrounding NASCAR. Its main character Ricky Bobby, played by Will Ferrell, is obsessed with visualizing Jesus as a baby, and insists that all prayers be directed accordingly. Ricky Bobby's fascination with the infant Jesus became a pop-culture sensation; irreverent references to "baby Jesus" were omnipresent in mainstream America. Despite the sarcastic intentions of the film, Ricky Bobby's fascination with "Baby Jesus," rescued me. It inspired a shift in my perception, which enabled me to find peace. I was reeling from a diagnosis of infertility. After years of hoping and trying for a baby, I could not imagine a life with that singular desire unfulfilled. I felt empty--literally and figuratively. I was miserable and angry, and had such contempt for God that I could not even seek His comfort when my need for Him was greatest.
I remember a plague of insomnia: I would lay awake at night, feeling alone and abandoned as the sadness and anger would swell by the hour. To indulge my resentment, I focused on aspects of faith that were particularly aggravating to me at the time. For instance, the first commandment was especially annoying, "You shall have no other gods before Me." I interpreted that as God just stating the obvious, asserting His dominance, and tooting His own horn. Obviously there is no other God (much less 'gods'), so what was the point of telling us to hold him above others? It seemed boastful, competitive, and self-centered. It never occurred to me that the term "gods" was not simply referring to other deities, but to anything that humans may deify--including the God-given desire for a baby. It also did not occur to me, that the contempt I held for God, was simply a reflection of how I felt about myself.
Clearly, I had some issues that were probably made worse by a cocktail of hormone soup in my brain resulting from depression and infertility drugs, but the deal I had with God seemed pretty unfair to me. He petitioned me to fulfill the longings of His heart [my worship and praise], and then denied me the singular desire of my heart [a baby]. The tipping point was that I believed that He both gave me the desire for a child, and denied it to me. I simply could not reconcile the notion that my God was so cruel, but the evidence was undeniable-this drove me to the brink of insanity. The yearning finally became too much. My sadness and anger grew by the day until it swelled into a tsunami. The weak little levees of faith that remained were simply overwhelmed. The wave slammed down, and hurled me into whirlpool of self-pity whose violent churning drowned the last kernels of my will. It pushed hope so far beyond my reach, that I felt like I died inside. From that point on, I was like an automaton; I just went through the motions of a passionless, empty life. I needed resurrection.
Enter Ricky Bobby.
Of all places to hear God speak, I least expected it come from a ridiculous (and probably blasphemous) scene in "Talladega Nights." The notorious scene is set at mealtime, and Will Ferrell's character reveals his preference for baby Jesus over grown-up Jesus while he says grace. The Ricky Bobby character opens his prayer with a physical description of how he pictured Jesus as a newborn. Fortunately, the mockery did not blemish the image of the infant Christ that was conjured in my mind's eye. And once a picture of baby Jesus fully absorbed into my consciousness, it hit me. As if a reset button were pushed in my mind--everything suddenly became clear. The whirlpool stopped, the tsunami evaporated, and all of my anger and sadness vanished. I had clarity of thought, and giggled with joy as my heart filled up with hope. God's grace found and rescued me… using a most unlikely agent.
The realization was simple, my Lord was a baby too, a sweet, beautiful little baby boy. Because His nature is eternal, everything He ever was, He still is! It is impossible to fathom the entirety of God, so believers tend to focus on more tangible aspects of him. Every kernel of His being has a purpose. He thought of everything! Whatever you are missing, there is something in His nature that will replenish you. In my case, it was the re-realization that He is not only God, but also human. That although His full nature is beyond my comprehension, the entirety of Him lives in me through the Holy Spirit--including little baby Jesus.
I also realized that the first commandment was not a boastful display of his power, but a demonstration of His unfailing love for us. God knows that humans have a tendency to seek satisfaction in other things (or "other gods"). We tend to adore the temporary things that feel good or help us measure up to some ideal. Often we devote ourselves to their pursuit. We will fill ourselves to excess with food, liquor, drugs, sex, TV, shopping, children, religion, work, exercise, etc. only to find that we are never satisfied. Because God created humankind, we have an innate need for Him--which only He can satisfy! In His glory, He is truly all things to His believers. He knows that the only fulfillment is through Him. He gave us that first commandment, because He does not want us to needlessly suffer as we try in vain to fill the holes in our souls elsewhere! And while I still believe my desire for children is God-given, in deifying that desire, I blocked His ability to heal and fulfill me. I put another god before Him.
God, like most good parents, created rules and boundaries to protect His children and allow them to flourish. A parent's protection does not require understanding... only obedience. As such, He knows that children are incapable of perfect compliance, so He also forgives. Patience and kindness are in His nature as well, because children learn through mistakes. So, I realized that my focus on that first commandment was one way that God attempted to get a message through to me. If I were listening, I would have heard Him tell me to seek Him so that He could restore me. Well, lucky for me, through His mercy, I got more than one chance to understand it.
My misery was not born out of being childless, but out of putting the hunger for a child above EVERYTHING else. Unfulfilled desires are dangerous… unchecked by God, they can become like a cancer. Parasitic, they corrupt and kill their host. In my case, hope was replaced by despair, and I shriveled into a mere shadow of who God meant for me to be. In spite of this, God still did not give up on me. In fact, before I saw the movie, a wise and faithful woman, plainly told me the answer, "Jesus wants you to yearn for Him the way you yearn for a baby." Though her words were elegant (and true), I missed the point entirely. Still, He persisted. Indeed, I can see now that God never gave up on me.
Perhaps my soul was so weakened, that I could only hear His message through a worldly, secular messenger. But that is no obstacle for God. He will pursue your heart and follow you into the darkest of places where even fear dare not tread. Thus, I am proof that God will meet His children wherever they are, and in any condition. And like my case; He will even meet you at a funny movie and speak through a ridiculous character. Yes, Ricky Bobby's suggestion to imagine Jesus as a baby brought me rescue, by revealing the only path that could compel me back to Jesus--a baby. So though I put my desire for parenthood above my desire for Christ, He did not forsake or abandon me.
God truly wishes reconciliation and peace for your soul, and will heal your broken heart through any means necessary. The restoration you receive may not be what you imagined, but if you seek Him, He will make you whole. It is even possible, that you too will see how God has been pursuing you all along. For any person who still yearns to have and hold a sweet baby of your own, I offer this. If Jesus lives within you, He is all: Lord, Savior, Redeemer, Love, and perhaps even a baby.
Jean Girard: [has Ricky in an arm lock] I will let you go, Ricky. But first, I want you to say..."I... love... crepes."
Cal Naughton, Jr.: Don't you say it, Ricky. These colors don't run.
Ricky Bobby: I'm not gonna say it.
Cal Naughton, Jr.: Good.
Ricky Bobby: Hey, look, Frenchy, I thought about it. So why don't you go ahead and break my arm?
Jean Girard: I do not want to break your arm, Monsieur Bobby, but I am a man of my word.
Ricky Bobby: Here's the deal. He's not gonna break it because I'm gonna slip out of it right now. Houdini!
[he tries unsuccessfully to get free]
Jean Girard: Whoa! Get down, you little pancake.
Ricky Bobby: Someone might as well get me a beer while I'm down here.
Jean Girard: But you have forced me to do this. You are now mocking me and making me look ridiculous. Just say, "I love crepes."
Cal Naughton, Jr.: You know, just to put this in there, I had a whole mess of crepes this morning. They're just like pancakes, maybe even better.
Ricky Bobby: Wait, are they the really thin pancakes?
Cal Naughton, Jr.: Yeah.
Jean Girard: Yes they are. They are the really thin pancakes. It's just a French word for them.
Ricky Bobby: Oh, my god, I love those.
Cal Naughton, Jr.: Put any syrups you want on them. I'm just saying, think about it.
Ricky Bobby: They come with cheese sometimes?
Jean Girard: Yes, of course, a fromage-crepe.
Ricky Bobby: Well, why didn't someone yell that right-right away?
Jean Girard: Do you know what's in the crepe suzette?
Ricky Bobby: Oh, I love the crepe suzette.
Jean Girard: With the sugar and lemon juice...
Ricky Bobby: Yeah, the sugar and the lemon juice. Sure.
Jean Girard: Grand Marnier.
Ricky Bobby baby jesus Biography
The movie "Talladega Nights" is a lampoon poking fun at Southern idiocracy surrounding NASCAR. Its main character Ricky Bobby, played by Will Ferrell, is obsessed with visualizing Jesus as a baby, and insists that all prayers be directed accordingly. Ricky Bobby's fascination with the infant Jesus became a pop-culture sensation; irreverent references to "baby Jesus" were omnipresent in mainstream America. Despite the sarcastic intentions of the film, Ricky Bobby's fascination with "Baby Jesus," rescued me. It inspired a shift in my perception, which enabled me to find peace. I was reeling from a diagnosis of infertility. After years of hoping and trying for a baby, I could not imagine a life with that singular desire unfulfilled. I felt empty--literally and figuratively. I was miserable and angry, and had such contempt for God that I could not even seek His comfort when my need for Him was greatest.
I remember a plague of insomnia: I would lay awake at night, feeling alone and abandoned as the sadness and anger would swell by the hour. To indulge my resentment, I focused on aspects of faith that were particularly aggravating to me at the time. For instance, the first commandment was especially annoying, "You shall have no other gods before Me." I interpreted that as God just stating the obvious, asserting His dominance, and tooting His own horn. Obviously there is no other God (much less 'gods'), so what was the point of telling us to hold him above others? It seemed boastful, competitive, and self-centered. It never occurred to me that the term "gods" was not simply referring to other deities, but to anything that humans may deify--including the God-given desire for a baby. It also did not occur to me, that the contempt I held for God, was simply a reflection of how I felt about myself.
Clearly, I had some issues that were probably made worse by a cocktail of hormone soup in my brain resulting from depression and infertility drugs, but the deal I had with God seemed pretty unfair to me. He petitioned me to fulfill the longings of His heart [my worship and praise], and then denied me the singular desire of my heart [a baby]. The tipping point was that I believed that He both gave me the desire for a child, and denied it to me. I simply could not reconcile the notion that my God was so cruel, but the evidence was undeniable-this drove me to the brink of insanity. The yearning finally became too much. My sadness and anger grew by the day until it swelled into a tsunami. The weak little levees of faith that remained were simply overwhelmed. The wave slammed down, and hurled me into whirlpool of self-pity whose violent churning drowned the last kernels of my will. It pushed hope so far beyond my reach, that I felt like I died inside. From that point on, I was like an automaton; I just went through the motions of a passionless, empty life. I needed resurrection.
Enter Ricky Bobby.
Of all places to hear God speak, I least expected it come from a ridiculous (and probably blasphemous) scene in "Talladega Nights." The notorious scene is set at mealtime, and Will Ferrell's character reveals his preference for baby Jesus over grown-up Jesus while he says grace. The Ricky Bobby character opens his prayer with a physical description of how he pictured Jesus as a newborn. Fortunately, the mockery did not blemish the image of the infant Christ that was conjured in my mind's eye. And once a picture of baby Jesus fully absorbed into my consciousness, it hit me. As if a reset button were pushed in my mind--everything suddenly became clear. The whirlpool stopped, the tsunami evaporated, and all of my anger and sadness vanished. I had clarity of thought, and giggled with joy as my heart filled up with hope. God's grace found and rescued me… using a most unlikely agent.
The realization was simple, my Lord was a baby too, a sweet, beautiful little baby boy. Because His nature is eternal, everything He ever was, He still is! It is impossible to fathom the entirety of God, so believers tend to focus on more tangible aspects of him. Every kernel of His being has a purpose. He thought of everything! Whatever you are missing, there is something in His nature that will replenish you. In my case, it was the re-realization that He is not only God, but also human. That although His full nature is beyond my comprehension, the entirety of Him lives in me through the Holy Spirit--including little baby Jesus.
I also realized that the first commandment was not a boastful display of his power, but a demonstration of His unfailing love for us. God knows that humans have a tendency to seek satisfaction in other things (or "other gods"). We tend to adore the temporary things that feel good or help us measure up to some ideal. Often we devote ourselves to their pursuit. We will fill ourselves to excess with food, liquor, drugs, sex, TV, shopping, children, religion, work, exercise, etc. only to find that we are never satisfied. Because God created humankind, we have an innate need for Him--which only He can satisfy! In His glory, He is truly all things to His believers. He knows that the only fulfillment is through Him. He gave us that first commandment, because He does not want us to needlessly suffer as we try in vain to fill the holes in our souls elsewhere! And while I still believe my desire for children is God-given, in deifying that desire, I blocked His ability to heal and fulfill me. I put another god before Him.
God, like most good parents, created rules and boundaries to protect His children and allow them to flourish. A parent's protection does not require understanding... only obedience. As such, He knows that children are incapable of perfect compliance, so He also forgives. Patience and kindness are in His nature as well, because children learn through mistakes. So, I realized that my focus on that first commandment was one way that God attempted to get a message through to me. If I were listening, I would have heard Him tell me to seek Him so that He could restore me. Well, lucky for me, through His mercy, I got more than one chance to understand it.
My misery was not born out of being childless, but out of putting the hunger for a child above EVERYTHING else. Unfulfilled desires are dangerous… unchecked by God, they can become like a cancer. Parasitic, they corrupt and kill their host. In my case, hope was replaced by despair, and I shriveled into a mere shadow of who God meant for me to be. In spite of this, God still did not give up on me. In fact, before I saw the movie, a wise and faithful woman, plainly told me the answer, "Jesus wants you to yearn for Him the way you yearn for a baby." Though her words were elegant (and true), I missed the point entirely. Still, He persisted. Indeed, I can see now that God never gave up on me.
Perhaps my soul was so weakened, that I could only hear His message through a worldly, secular messenger. But that is no obstacle for God. He will pursue your heart and follow you into the darkest of places where even fear dare not tread. Thus, I am proof that God will meet His children wherever they are, and in any condition. And like my case; He will even meet you at a funny movie and speak through a ridiculous character. Yes, Ricky Bobby's suggestion to imagine Jesus as a baby brought me rescue, by revealing the only path that could compel me back to Jesus--a baby. So though I put my desire for parenthood above my desire for Christ, He did not forsake or abandon me.
God truly wishes reconciliation and peace for your soul, and will heal your broken heart through any means necessary. The restoration you receive may not be what you imagined, but if you seek Him, He will make you whole. It is even possible, that you too will see how God has been pursuing you all along. For any person who still yearns to have and hold a sweet baby of your own, I offer this. If Jesus lives within you, He is all: Lord, Savior, Redeemer, Love, and perhaps even a baby.
Jean Girard: [has Ricky in an arm lock] I will let you go, Ricky. But first, I want you to say..."I... love... crepes."
Cal Naughton, Jr.: Don't you say it, Ricky. These colors don't run.
Ricky Bobby: I'm not gonna say it.
Cal Naughton, Jr.: Good.
Ricky Bobby: Hey, look, Frenchy, I thought about it. So why don't you go ahead and break my arm?
Jean Girard: I do not want to break your arm, Monsieur Bobby, but I am a man of my word.
Ricky Bobby: Here's the deal. He's not gonna break it because I'm gonna slip out of it right now. Houdini!
[he tries unsuccessfully to get free]
Jean Girard: Whoa! Get down, you little pancake.
Ricky Bobby: Someone might as well get me a beer while I'm down here.
Jean Girard: But you have forced me to do this. You are now mocking me and making me look ridiculous. Just say, "I love crepes."
Cal Naughton, Jr.: You know, just to put this in there, I had a whole mess of crepes this morning. They're just like pancakes, maybe even better.
Ricky Bobby: Wait, are they the really thin pancakes?
Cal Naughton, Jr.: Yeah.
Jean Girard: Yes they are. They are the really thin pancakes. It's just a French word for them.
Ricky Bobby: Oh, my god, I love those.
Cal Naughton, Jr.: Put any syrups you want on them. I'm just saying, think about it.
Ricky Bobby: They come with cheese sometimes?
Jean Girard: Yes, of course, a fromage-crepe.
Ricky Bobby: Well, why didn't someone yell that right-right away?
Jean Girard: Do you know what's in the crepe suzette?
Ricky Bobby: Oh, I love the crepe suzette.
Jean Girard: With the sugar and lemon juice...
Ricky Bobby: Yeah, the sugar and the lemon juice. Sure.
Jean Girard: Grand Marnier.
Ricky Bobby baby jesus
Ricky Bobby baby jesus

Ricky Bobby baby jesus
Ricky Bobby baby jesus

Ricky Bobby baby jesus
Ricky Bobby baby jesus
Ricky Bobby baby jesus

Ricky Bobby baby jesus
Ricky Bobby baby jesus
Ricky Bobby baby jesus
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